Lydia W.
I just want to start off by saying how much I enjoyed myself last time I was there. I really enjoyed talking with you and your husband and I can’t wait to have the next one done. You have also made me see how much of a blessing a baby is not just for one person but for everyone and to the world. It was so beautiful and Chris was very happy that we went through with it instead of waiting. Also our families loved the pics and so does everyone I work with. I gave your number to one of the guys that I work with whose wife is pregnant so they might be calling you. His name is Mike and he and his wife are on their second child. They have a little girl and they were told that this one is a boy. When I showed him the 8×10 he started to tear up and said that he would like to do it so like I said I gave him your number. I can’t wait to see how much Triston has changed in just the short amount of time between these two ultrasounds but I know it will be amazing just seeing him again! I want to thank you for all that you have done for me and Chris so far by showing us our beautiful little boy and I am so glad that we get the opportunity to do this! Once again thank you so much and I can’t wait to hear from you!